Published 2 years ago in Other

Daniel T.I_Otumabo _ (prod.Latestbitz).mp3

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Song of gratitude for the help God help me when I needed him most
It's a life story gratitude to the Almighty my helper he who helps me



I remember when I was going around searching for someone to help me with my school I found no one I cried for help I cried all night cry "so Tay pigging " but could find no one I went to papa to help out he said son I can't help now aww??

Chorus, Jehovah you are king of kings the only one that we serve we will never serve anyone except you
Our lord and our God.

Rap, Aboy wan go school make him life for good but everyday him trouble double Aboy the cry and I ask am why why o why
Him say life is not fer nothing move well uluko Jesu nothing move well
Kabi ose Gon nothing move well
Amananawo nothing move well
Oche ka oche nothing move well
Otumabo nothing move well
No ju nwalu kum nothing move well

So the man came and gave him shelter gave him good life and make him better and he said you are my world my lord and my hallelujah ?


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